记者 Sydney St. James 正在为她工作的杂志撰写一篇文章,介绍专门研究女性的在线约会机构 Artemis。 她安排了一次采访阿尔忒弥斯的主人安娜,并与她的摄影师山姆一起拜访了这位神秘的女人,山姆对一个名为 Vampire Web 的网站着迷。 Sidney 对 Anna 产生了极大的吸引力,Anna 实际上是一个古老的吸血鬼,名叫 Anastasia。</p>...
The true story of Toni Jo Henry, a woman tried for the crime of murder in 1942 in the state of Louisiana. Toni Jo, a product of childhood abuse and neglect, briefly discovers love and happiness that soon turns to m.yakubd.cc despair when her husband Cowboy is sent to prison and she embarks on an ill-fated plan with an accomplice Arkie to free him....